The Bible Codec
By Kenneth Martin
Chapter 1
Judaism's Views of Jesus
“Why Jews do not believe Jesus”
Because of the outrage from the Christians and Muslims, Jews removed and altered sections of the Talmud and teach their anti-missionary sessions in secret.
The “Bible Codec” is a summary of what Jews teach in secret.
1:1 Sons of Abrham;
God’s covenant is with Abraham and his descendants.
Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name anymore be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for the father of a multitude of nations have I made thee.
:6 And I [YHVH] will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.
:7 And I [YHVH] will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee throughout their generations for an “Everlasting Covenant* ”, to be a God unto thee and they seed after thee.
Gen 12:1-3, 15:18, and chapter 17
* The “Everlasting Covenant”, there is only one covenant with Abraham and his descendants. There is no “Old and New Covenant”.
Hence, great efforts were made to preserve and safeguard Abraham’s lineage. In Judaism, Jews preserve themselves to their forefathers as; Ben Yehudah, Ben David, Ben Eliyahu etc…
* Ben means “son of”
But many of the names of the christians were; Jesus of Nazareth, Saul of Tarsus, John of Patmos, Joseph of Arimathea, etc…
In Judaism, this means they were mamzers, fatherless, or father unknown.
1:2 The Seventh Jewish Commandment is “Thou shalt not commit adultery”.
God’s covenant is with Abraham and his descendants.
Therefore, adultery is; “Having a relationship that is forbidden in the Tanakh (Jewish Bible)”.
Simply, any relationship that cuts off Abraham’s bloodline.
Children from forbidden relationships are called “mamzers”.
Deu 23:2,3 A mamzer shall not enter into the assembly of The Lord, even to the tenth generation (never), nor his offspring. Tanakh
For a Jewish woman to marry a non Jew, or to have a child with a non-Jew is an Unpardonable Sin. She and her children are permanently cut off and exiled from Israel.
A mamzer is “non-Jew”.
1:3 Jesus was a mamzer.
In Judaism every name tells a story;
Yeshua = Jeshua = Jesus.
The Hebrew demise of “Yeshua’s” (Jeshua/ Jesus) sons originates in Ezra 10:18 where the original Yeshua was the first high priest of the Second Temple whose sons had married alien wives, and God commanded Yeshua’s sons to; “send their alien wives and her children away”.
Ezra 10:18 Among the sons of the priests who had married foreign wives were found of the sons of “”Jeshua* (Yeshua/ Jesus)”” the son of Jozadak, and his brothers: Maaseiah, “”Eliezer””, Jarib and Gedaliah.
19 and they all gave their hand in a pledge that they would send their alien wives [and her children away*]. Tanakh
* Ezra 10:3
In Judaism names follow lineages; Numbers 1:18, 36:7-9, Luke 1:61
Jesus was a descendant of Yeshua’s sons who had married foreign wives.
Jesus was a mamzer.
Deu 23:2,3 A mamzer shall not enter into the assembly of The Lord, even to the tenth generation (never), nor his offspring*. Tanakh
Women having children to non-Jews is an Unpardonable Sin, She and her children are forever exiled.
Hence, Jesus “Bitterly Hated” Jews and the Sanhedrin of Sadducees, Pharisees and teachers of the Law.
* Compare to; “Hagar and Ishmael”.
1:4 Joseph was a mamzer;
In Judaism names follow lineages (Numbers 1:18, 36:7);
Luke 3:29 the son of Jeshua (Yeshua/ Jesus), the son of “Eliezer”...
Matt 1:15 “Eliezer” father of Matthan.
The same Jeshua and Eliezer of Ezra 10:18 Among the sons of the priests who had married foreign wives were found of the sons of “”Jeshua”” (Yeshua/ Jesus) the son of Jozadak, and his brothers: Maaseiah, ““Eliezer””...
The dating of Eliezer in the genealogies of Matthew and Luke places him at the Second Temple, during the time of Ezra 10:18 of the priests who had married foreign wives.
Compare Joseph’s genealogies in Matt 1 and Luke 3, to Ezra 10:18 thru verse 44.
Joseph was a mamzer.
Deu 23:2,3 A mamzer shall not enter into the assembly of The Lord, even to the tenth generation (never), nor his offspring.
Hence, Joseph “Bitterly Hated” Jews and the Sanhedrin of Sadducees, Pharisees and teachers of the Law.
* Compare to ; “Hagar and Ishmael”.
1:5 Mary was a mamzer;
The name “Mary” (Miriam) originates from the sister of Aaron and Moses, hence implies
Mary the mother of Jesus was a “Levite”.
In Judaism names follow lineages (Numbers 1:18, 36:7, Luke 1:61),
Nehemiah 12:10, “Jeshua* (Yeshua) was the father of Joachim (Joiakim).”
* Same Jeshua (Yeshua) of Ezra 10:18.
Joachim, father of Mary, was a Levite.
Mary was a Levite name.
Yeshua (Jesus) was a Levite name.
Mary’s mother “Anna”, was a Levite name.
Mary’s uncle “Zacharias*, was a Levite name.
Mary’s aunt Elizabeth*”, was a Levite name.
* Luke 1:16,
The common thread of all of Mary’s relatives was;
Ezra 10:18 Among the sons of the priests who had married foreign wives were found of the sons of “Jeshua” (Yeshua/ Jesus) the son of Jozadak, and his brothers: Maaseiah, “Eliezer”, Jarib and Gedaliah. Tanakh
Mary was a descendant of Yeshua, of the sons who had married foreign wives.
Mary was a mamzer.
Deu 23:2,3 A mamzer shall not enter into the assembly of The Lord, even to the tenth generation (never), nor his offspring.
For Mary to have had a child with a non-Jew is an Unpardonable Sin. She and her children are permanently cut off and exiled from Israel.
Hence, Joseph, Mary and Jesus “Bitterly Hated” Jews and the Sanhedrin of Sadducees, Pharisees and teachers of the Law.
* Compare to ; “Hagar and Ishmael”.
1:6 Mamzers can only marry another mamzer;
Joseph and Mary were related through “”Eliezer*”” son of Jeshua (Yeshua).
Hence, Joseph would have been Mary’s nearest kinsman redeemer.
In Judaism names follow lineages (Numbers 1:18, 36:7, Luke 1:61)
Ezra 10:18 Among the sons of the priests who had married foreign wives were found of the sons of Jeshua (Yeshua/ Jesus)*** the son of Jozadak, and his brothers: Maaseiah, Eliezer****, Jarib and Gedaliah.
Matt 1:15 “Eliezer” father of Matthan.
Luke 3:29 the son of Jeshua (Yeshua), the son of “Eliezer”...
Nehemiah 12:10, “Jeshua* (Yeshua) was the father of Joachim (Joiakim).”
* The same Jeshua of Ezra 10:18
Joachim was Mary’s father.
Hence, Joseph was Mary’s kinsman redeemer.
1:7 Christians attempt to evade Ezra 10:18 by claiming Jesus’ Hebrew name was “Joshua.”
There are only two Joshua’s in the Jewish Tanakh (OT);
The original Joshua was the son of Nun of the tribe of “Ephraim.” Moses renames Hoshua; “Joshua”(Yhoshua, means Yah Delivers)”. Numbers 13:16 Tanakh
The other was Joshua the High Priest (a Levite).
In Ezra and Jewish genealogies, the first high priest of the second temple is “Yeshua”, but Haggai and Zakariah call the same high priest “Joshua” (Yhoshua, Yah Delivers). Haggai 1:1, 12, 2:14 and Zec 3:1, 6:11
Jeshua = Joshua
Which still implies; Jesus was a mamzer of Ezra 10:18, by Joseph's lineages, and Mary’s father was Joachim, and her relatives were Levite descendants of Yeshua.
Neither Joshua’s were of Davidic lineage.
Jesus lied, he was not a descendant of King David.
1: Christians are from; “women who had forbidden relationships with roman men.”
The origin of Christianity began in the 4th century BC, with the Hellenization of Israel. When some Jews began to assimilate into greco roman culture and had forbidden relationships with the Romans.
* Research “Philo of Alexandria”, “Christian Hellenism”, and “Hellenistic Judaism”.
Roman or Jew? Lineages always follow the father
* Numbers 1:18, 36:7
1:9 Jesus was a roman;
Jesus had a mamzer mother, and a roman father.
“A Sorcerer Named Jesus*”, by Celsus (150 AD);
* which originated from the Jewish community.
...“The mother of Jesus was “convicted of adultery” and had been turned out by the carpenter who was betrothed to her.
Alone in the wilderness, Mary had the child by a certain soldier named “Panthera”.
Panthera is a Roman name.
Roman or Jew? Lineages always follow the father.
* Numbers 1:18, 36:7
Jesus was a Roman.
All sects of Judaism teach; “Jesus was the bastard son of the roman soldier Panthera”.
1:10 Joseph had a mamzer mother, and a roman father.
Luke 3:23, “Joseph son of Heli*”.
“Heli or Hilios” is the personification of the sun in greek mythology.
Roman or Jew? In Judaism lineages always follow the father.
Joseph was a Roman.
.1 Christians falsely teach Heli as “HaEli” or “The Eli” (sons of Eli)?
First of all,“Eli” was a Levite name, and names follow lineages (Numbers 1:18, 36:7).
Eli’s sons Hophni and Phinehas, and their descendants are not in Matthew’s or Luke's genealogies of Jesus.
“HaEli” as “The sons of Eliezer” would imply Joseph, Mary and Jesus were Levites (not descendants of David). Ezra 10:18
Then, there is no precedence in the Tanakh for the sons of Eli being called Heli.
1:11 Joseph’s Fictitious Lineages;
First of all, Joseph was not the biological father of Jesus.
So the genealogies of Joseph in Matthew and Luke are useless in reference to Jesus being of the lineage of King David.
.1 “Joseph” is not a Davidian name.
In Judaism names follow lineages (Numbers 1:18, 36:7, Luke 1:61);
“Joseph” was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, whose sons were Ephraim and Manasseh, who settled in central Israel.
Moreover, Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh are not in Joseph of Nazareth's lineage?
Only a roman would make the rookie mistake of using names that crossed lineages.
.2 Joseph’s “Proof of Jewishness”;
In the New Testament, there are two different pseudo Davidic genealogies for Joseph. Luke has 55 generations from Abraham, but Matthew has 41 different generations from Abraham. Moreover, they are completely different lineages.
.3 Christians claim the different lineages are because; “One of the
lineages is Mary’s lineage”.
In Judaism, tribal status is always from the birth father’s lineage.
(Numbers 1:18, 36:7);
Both lineages in Matt and Luke conclude with Joseph, hence they are
both Joseph’s lineage.
Then, Mary’s father was Joachim a Levite. Not “Jacob” Matt 1:16, nor “Heli” in Luke 3:23
Furthermore, there is not a single example of a woman’s lineage in the Tanakh.
Women’s names are only mentioned when;
The wife was a convert as Ruth, hence she is ascribed onto her husband's lineage.
Or when a father is sonless and only has daughters. The daughters must marry within the same tribe. Numbers 36:3-6
1:12 Compare the genealogies in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 to; 1 Chronicles 3
* Research; Kings of Israel List.
That, from Zerubbabel on, they are completely different lineages.
.1 Matthew’s Genealogy of “Joseph of Nazareth”;
Matthew’s lineage of Joseph begins with a cut and paste of the Davidic lineage from the Tanakh (Jewish Bible) up to Zerubbabel.
* Compare the lineage in Matthew to; “Kings of Israel List”.
From Zerubbabel on (Matt 1:12), the genealogy is fictitious.
That, Abihud (Abiud) was not a son of Zerubbabel.
Abihud (Abiub) is a Benjamite name.
* Research Abihud in a Bible Concordance.
From Abihud on, the lineage is a “Levite” lineage. Most notable in the lineage; “Zadok and Eliazer” are Levite names.
In Matt 1:15, “Eliezer” is a tarnished Levite name from;
Ezra 10:18 Among the sons of the priests who had married foreign wives were found of the sons of Jeshua* the son of Jozadak, and his brothers: Maaseiah, “”Eliezer””**, Jarib and Gedaliah. JPS
This is a tarnished Levite lineage fictitiously attached to King David’s lineage.
Moreover, from Zerubbabel on, there is a lack of Judean and Davidian names.
.2 Luke’s genealogy of Joseph;
Begins with a cut and paste of the Davidic lineage, from Adam up to King David.
Luke 3:31 son of Nathan… to; Luke 3:27 son of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel.
Stop, the lineage is fictitious.
Zerubbabel is a descendant of Solomon, not a descendant of Nathan.
And the Davidic Covenant is with Solomon, not Nathan. 1 Chronicles 22:9
Problem 2, Most of the names in Luke, from Nathan to Shealtiel and
Zerubbabel, are Levite names.
Then, from Zerubbabel to Jesus, are Levite names again. That; “Joanan was not a son of Zerubbabel.
“Joanan” was the son of Joiahda, of the lineage of the High Priests of Israel.
Most notable; Mattathias, Nathan, Levi, Mattathias, and Melki are “Levite names”.
* Compare Luke 3, to; 1 Chronicles 3; “Kings of Israel List” and Matthew
This is a tarnished Levite lineage fictitiously attached to King David’s lineage.
Moreover, from Zerubbabel on, there is a lack of Judean and Davidian names.
Luke 3:29 “son of Eliazer”, ties Joseph and Jesus to Yeshua, son of Jozadak;
Ezra 10:18 Among the sons of the priests who had married foreign wives were found of the sons of Jeshua (Yeshua/ Jesus)* the son of Jozadak, and his brothers: Maaseiah, Eliazer, Jarib and Gedaliah.
1:13 The Bible Codec of Bethlehem;
King David was a Judean, a descendant of Judah.
And the area allocated to Judah was “Southern Israel”. Judeans were born and lived in Judah, in southern Israel.
King David was “born and raised in Bethlehem in Judea, in southern Israel”.
Henceforth, all the Davidic Kings of Israel were born, and “lived in Judah”, in southern Israel.
Of all the tribes of Israel, the descendants of the Davidic kings were the most devoted to Judea. And it is inconceivable to believe that someone from the lineage of King David would be living anywhere else except in Judea in “southern Israel.”
.1 In Judaism, inheritance follows the fathers lineages for the allotment of land. Numbers 1:18, 36:7 Tanakh
If Joseph and Mary were Davidic, they would have been born and would have lived their entire life in Judea, in southern Israel.
They did not live in Judea because; “they had no inheritance in Judah or southern Israel”.
John 7:1, After these things Jesus walked in Galilee, for He did not want to walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him.
Because, Jesus had a “Levite name” yet claimed to be a Son of David, a Judean?
The real Davidians and Judeans exposed Jesus’ false Davidic claim as a case of “Stolen Valor.”
Jesus was an impostor.
.2 The Bible Codec of Nazareth;
One becomes a Nazarite when their parents make a vow to YHVH, and they give their firstborn to the Levite priests.
* Research “Nazarites”, Numbers 6:1, Judges 13, Samuel (Judges 13) and Samson (1 Samuel 13:11). Tanakh
Nazarites were trained and resided with the Levite priests “East of The Temple in Jerusalem”.
Being a Nazarite was a priesthood, not a place.
There was no such place called “Nazarite or Nazareth” in Tanakh.
The place where Mary and Jesus was living was originally called “Mamzereth” (Mamzerut), a refuge city of “mamzer women” and their illegitimate children.
Roman soldiers would exploit these disadvantaged women. It’s obvious that the roman soldiers as Panthera and Joseph frequented mamzer prostitutes.
Mary and all the women in Jesus’ inner circle were mamzer prostitutes.
Research; “Mamzereth and Mamzerut”
Cities of refuge were “Yimakh Shemo, May the name be blotted out,” it was forbidden to mention the names of refuge cities.
* Research; “Mamzereth” and “Mamzeruth”.
And Christians cunningly changed Mamzereth to; “Nazareth”.
Hence, John 1:46 was originally;
“Jews replied; Can anything good come out of ‘'Mamzereth” (a city of adultery)?
A “mamzer” was a child conceived from an adulterous relationship.
.3 Nazareth is in Samria;
John 8:48, The Jews said to Jesus; “Aren’t we right in saying you are a Samaritan?
Jesus was a Samaritan!
And Jesus favored Samaritan women. Jn 4:65, Lk 10:30 etc...
Jesus’ companion Mary was a Samaritan who had 5 previous husbands.
Mary was beyond unclean, untouchable unclean, leperous* unclean, run for your life screaming unclean.
* These women spread diseases of which there was no cure, leperous diseases that led to men's deaths.
Research; “Why Samaritans were hated by Jews”.
Thus, the Pharisees, Sadducees and Teachers of the Law, kept questioning “Jesus of Mamzereth” on the subject of “adultery”, of which Jesus cunningly attempted to evade their questions. Matt 22:23, MK 12:18, LK 20:27, Titus 3:9, 1 Tim 1:4
John 8:41, The Jews said to Jesus; “We were not conceived by adultery”. Implying that Jesus was conceived from adultery.
John 8:48, The Jews said to Jesus; “Aren’t we right in saying you are a Samaritan? Meaning Jesus was Not Jewish, Jesus was unclean.
1:14 Roman Legends intertwined into Judaism;
In rome, some of the royal daughters were getting pregnant before they were married, and the best way for them to explain their illegitimate was to claim; "It was a divine conception from a god".
* Research; “Great Mothers of the gods”, “Rhea Silvia”, Maia, Ops, Tellus, and Ceres.
* Compare the Jesus Myth to the myth of the god Mars who mates with the virgin Rhea Silvia and gives birth to Romulus as a demigod, half man and half god.
* Also compare the Jesus Myth to the god Jupitir who mates with the virgin Alcmene and gives birth to Hercules as a demigod, half man and half god.
* “Auge and the Antiope,”
* “Danae and the Melanippe.”
.1 Mamzers are not Jewish. Therefore, Jewish men rejected mamzer women as Mary.
And roman men used them for sport and entertainment (as harlots), and when they got pregnant, the romans threw her and her dark skinned half breed children out onto the streets.
A girl in trouble can tell colorful stories when living in Israel, where she would be stoned to death for an illegitimate pregnancy. It was too common for Jewish girls to be seduced by married roman men and conceive illegitimate children, whom they discarded into the streets.
By the first century, Rome had long occupied Israel and their myths became well known, as with the Roman myth of the virgin goddess; “Rhea Silvia” (mother of Rome, mother of god).
Rhea Silvia was of royal lineage, yet conceived twin illegitimate sons, and when her father’s brother who was King inquired of her, she said “””god did it”””. Her sons Remus and Romulus, became Kings of Rome.
So what does a girl in trouble do? Lie like hell and claim “god did it,” appealing to roman legends and laws.
As with Rhea Silvia and her son Romulus (King of the Roman Empire).
The romans took a harlot and attempted to make their bastard son; “King of the Jews.”
No Jew is going to bow to the bastard son of a roman soldier.
1:15 John the Baptist;
.1 In Israel, the anointing of a king was decided by the “Sanhedrin of Jewish Leaders”, not by an individual.
John the Baptist was not a member of the Sanhedrin. To qualify as a member of the Sanhedrin, one must be “The Elder member of his clan”.
John’s father Zechariah was still living, and Zechariah would have been the clan elder in the Sanhedrin.
.2 In -37 BC, King Herod was a hellenist who overthrew the Hasmonean Dynasty. Then he handpicked other hellenists to be pseudo High Priests of Israel.
King Herod’s puppet priests were “not Zadokim'' (sons of Zadok whose allegiance was to King David). Therefore, King Herod’s priests were rejected by Mainline Jews (Pharisees, Sadducees and Teachers of the law).
John the Baptist’s father Zecharias was one of the Herodian hellenist puppet priests.
How do we know this?
Luke 1:8 Zechariah was on duty and he was serving as priest before God.
Implicating Zechariah as a Herodian hellenist puppet priest, during the reign of the Herodians.
.3 Onced the Sanhedrin made a decision who was eligible to be king of Israel, the High Priest performed the ceremony.
But John Baptist’s father Zechariah was not a Zadokim (a son of Zadok whose allegiance was to King David) of the lineage High Priests, Luke 1:5
Research; “List of High Priests of Israel”, search for “Zechariah” and his father “Abijah” Luke 1:5.
And note, Zechariah and Abijah were not descendants of Zadok (whose allegiance was to King David).
John the Baptist was not qualified to anoint Jesus “King of the Jews.”
1:16 Who is Jewish?
How to tell the difference between; Jews, Traitors, Mamzers, and Romans.
.1 Jews;
In Judaism, Jews are linked to their forefathers as; Ben Yehudah, Ben David, Ben Eliyahu etc…
It would be treason to bow before any other god or man by converting to hellenism, and to have a roman name.
* Ben means “son of”
.2 Traitors;
When someone wanted to become a roman citizen, they had to be sponsored, literally adopted by a roman with authority. Henceforth, they used their roman names.
Any Jew who bowed to King Herod or to roman kings were spurned as Traitors, Roman Collaborators.
When King Herod overthrew the Hasmonean Dynasty, he appointed leaders* and Pseudo Priests that were loyal to him and to the kings of rome.
* Traitors Acts 8:28
King Herod’s Pseudo Priests presided in The Second Temple from 6 BC to 70 BC when The Temple was destroyed. King Herod’s Pseudo Priests were not Zadokim (sons of Zadok who were loyal to king David).
Moreover, the leaders, priests and crowd that condemned Jesus were King Herod’s supporters.
* Research the names of everyone at Jesus’ trial, they had roman names.
.3 Mamzers (Non Jews);
Many of the names of the christians were; Jesus of Nazareth, Saul of Tarsus, John of Patmos, Joseph of Arimathea, etc…
This means they were mamzers, fatherless, or father unknown.
By Torah Law, mamzers and children of mamzer women were not Jewish.
Mamzers have no inheritance in Israel.
Jesus of Nazareth, his disciples, Saul (Paul) of Tarsus, John of Patmos, and Joseph of Arimathea etc… had no inheritance in Israel.
Moreover, mamzers are forbidden to convert to Judaism. Deu 23:2,3
And they were exiled to mamzer communities (Mamzereth/ Mamzerrut),
Egypt and rome.
When someone only says “my mother is Jewish” and does not have a
proper Jewish name as “Ben Israel”, most likely they are a mamzer.
Being spurned as mamzers, they despised Jews and Jewish laws.
What Jesus, his disciples and Paul had in common is; their fathers were absent and they became misfit troubled youths.
.3 Romans with Jewish wives and concubines. (definitely not Jewish);
By roman and Jewish laws the children were roman.
This implies the father was roman, but the father was absent at the birth of the child, and the mother named her children “Jewish Roman” names as; Matthew Alphaeus, Judas Thaddaeus, John Zebedee etc…
Most likely the mother was a concubine, and her husband became disgusted with her and threw her and her child out onto the streets.
And the Jews spurn them as “bastard sons of roman occupiers”.
.4 Converts to Judaism, and sons of converts (Half Jew);
Unless someone lives in Israel, there is no need to convert to Judaism.
Converts are designated as “Half Jews”, they have no inheritance in Israel and they do not have any say in Jewish affairs or government.
Romans were anglos, the superior race, and were disgusted by dark skin, black hair, and dark eyed Jews. Why would any roman want to convert to Judaism in the first century? Very unlikely.
The only relationships between romans and Jews, were between roman men who used Jewish girls for prostitutes, and when they were done with them, the romans threw her, and her children out onto the streets.
Whether Jesus, his disciples, or Paul were born romans, or were sons of hellenists, or converted to hellenism, they were still branded as “Hellenist Traitors, roman conspirators”.
In Israel, the only thing worse than being a roman occupier, was being a Hellenist Traitor collaborating with the roman occupiers.
As Joseph's father is “Jacob” in Matthew 1, but his father is called “Heli” in Luke 3.
In Israel, the most insulting roman names were; Zeus and his son Heli.
Heli = Hellenist
Jesus was the stepson of a Hellenist Traitor collaborating with the roman occupiers.
1:17 Jesus’ Roman Apostles;
Matthew Alphaeus*
James Alphaeus*
Judas Thaddaeus*
Judas Iscariot*
Simon Peter Cephus*, Hellenized as Cephus (Cyphus), John 1:42,
James** Zebedee*
John Zebedee**
Simon Cananean***
* are roman names
** “James” is a roman name. Which implies James and his brother John were both Hellenists, greco romans.
*** Cananean, implies he was a Canaanite.
Summary; Jesus’ disciples were Romans.
1:18 Paul was a Roman;
In Acts 22:28, Paul said; “But I was actually born a Roman”.
Meant Paul’s father was a roman!
But there is more;
Saul (Paul) also claims to be Jewish, a student of Gamaliel, the Pharisee of Pharisees, an apostle of Jesus, a demigod healing the crippled, the High Priest of christianity, and The Founder of the Roman Catholic Church etc, etc, etc…
Paul’s claims are all lies.
The historical truth is;
Saul (Paul) never mentions who his father is, and he is called by his mothers lineage “Saul of Tarsus (a descendant of King Saul)” to elude the schism of his concubine mother and Herodian father.
Saul “of Tarsus” means Paul had no inheritance in Israel, therefore he would have rebelled against Torah Law and the Sanhedrin (Jewish Leadership).
But in the end, the historical truth was revealed. As Mary, Jesus and his disciples, Paul also “Appealed to Rome”, to escape the Jewish Sanhedrin and Torah Law.
The christians were Hellenistic Traitors collaborating with the roman occupiers.
In the Roman Courts the Jewish accusations were irrelevant.
In the Roman Courts, they were found Guilty and executed for “Conspiring to Dethrone the Herodians*” and “being criminals, leading riots in roman provinces”.
The Herodians were well aware of John Baptist and Jesus’ attempts to overthrow them, and Jesus was falsely claiming to be the real “King of the Jews”.
In the end, the Jews rejected Jesus, the Herodians rejected Jesus, and the romans rejected Jesus.
1:19 Jesus’ mother and all the women in Jesus' life were untouchables, harlots.
As Mary the mother of Jesus, “Mary of Magdalene*” also means she was a mamzer.
As Jesus of Nazareth, his disciples, and Saul (Paul) of Tarsus, Mary of Magdalene had no inheritance in Israel.
They were mamzers (fatherless, or father unknown).
By Torah Law, these women and her children are not Jewish.
Deu 23:2,3 A mamzer shall not enter into the assembly of The Lord, even to the tenth generation (never), nor his offspring*. Tanakh
Mamzers have no inheritance in Israel and are forbidden to convert to Judaism.
For women to have children to a non Jew is an unpardonable crime.
And they were exiled to mamzer communities as Mamzereth (Mamzerrut) or to Egypt and rome.
Jesus’ riot in The Temple Court was because the Jews spurned him as an untouchable, and they would not accept money from prostitutes.
1:20 The historical “Jesus and his disciples were criminals.”
The Pharisees asked Jesus’ disciples “Why do you eat with tax collectors (traitors) and criminals* (sinners). Matt 9:10, Mark 2:15, Luke 5:29
* Crime = Sin
Criminals = sinners
Wherever you read “sin” replace it with “crime”
And replace “sinners” with “criminals”.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Jesus’ associates and disciples were criminals.
Throughout the new testament, Jesus pretends to be the king, and pardons his criminal friends and prostitutes. Matt 9:1 Lk 5:20, 6:37, 7:48,
1:21 The Historical Jesus, as told by the Jews;
“A Sorcerer Named Jesus”, by Celsus (175 AD) Which originated from the Jewish community.
"...he [Jesus] came from a Jewish village and from a poor country woman who earned her living by spinning. She was convicted of adultery and was driven out by her husband, who was a carpenter by trade.
After she had been driven out by her husband and while she was wandering about in a disgraceful way, she secretly gave birth to Jesus.
Because he [Jesus] was poor he hired himself out as a workman in Egypt, and there tried his hand at certain magical powers on which the Egyptians pride themselves; he returned full of conceit, because of these powers, and on account of them gave himself the title of God...
The mother of Jesus had been convicted of adultery and had been turned out by the carpenter who was betrothed to her.
Alone in the wilderness, Mary had the child by a certain soldier named “Panthera”.
All sects of Judaism teaches; “Mary the mother of Jesus was a harlot, and Jesus was the bastard son of a roman soldier”.
1:22 Jesus in the Talmud and in Jewish Literature;
In fear of christians and muslims, Jews removed and modified sections of the Talmud about Jesus.
In public, the Rabbis ambiguously teach that the “Yeshu (Jesus) in the Talmud, Jewish Literature, and on the web, were not the christian’s Jesus (Yeshua) of Nazareth.
But in the secrecy of the synagogues, the Rabbis teach; “Jesus’ mother was a harlot, and Jesus was the bastard son of the roman soldier Panthera”.
Research on Jewish websites; “Why Jews don’t believe in Jesus”, “Judaism view of Jesus”, Yeshu the Sorcerer,” “Yeshu ben Panthera”, “Jesus in the Talmud”, “Yeshu in the Tosefa”, “Yeshu HaNatzri”, “Toledot Yeshu”, “Ben Stada,” Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera,” Yeshu in the Babylonian Talmud, Yeshu Yimach Shemo,
For the past 2000 years, this has been taught by every Rabbi, in every synagogue in the world.
1:23 Chapter One Summary;
The romans took a harlot and attempted to make their bastard son “King of the Jews”.
No Jew is going to bow to the bastard sons of roman soldiers (referring to Jesus, his disciples and Paul).
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