The Bible Codec
By Kenneth Martin
Chapter 3
Comparing Jesus
to The Jewish Ten Commandments
3:1 The first “Jewish” Commandment of which “God Himself inscribed in stone” is;
“I Am ‘YHVH’ ELoHYim”
who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage”. Exodus 20 Tanakh
.1 God’s name is “YHVH”,
and is used 6823 times in the Tanakh, and is always singular in context.
YHVH always speaks in the singular;
Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel; “YHVH is our God (ELoHYim), YHVH is One”. Tanakh
Ex 20:2 “I am YHVH, thou shalt have no other YHVH, no other Elohyim before me…” Tanakh
Isaiah 42:8 I am YHVH, that is my name, and my glory I will not give to another… Tanakh
Isaiah 43:10 ..I am YHVH; “Before me there was no other god formed, neither shall any be after me”. Tanakh
Isaiah 43:11 I am YHVH and beside me there is no other savior. Tanakh
Isaiah 44:6 Thus saith YHVH... I am the first and I am the last, and besides me there is no other god. Tanakh
Isaiah 45:6, I am YHVH, and there is no one else… Tanakh
Isaiah 45:5, I am YHVH, and besides Me there is no other God… Tanakh
Ps 146:3, Put not your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, who cannot save you. Tanakh
Hosea 11:9 I am YHVH... and not a man… Tanakh
Numbers 23:19 YHVH is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man.
.2 Judaism is a “monotheism.”
In Judaism “YHVH” is unique, there are no other YHVHs, nor sons of YHVH.
Therefore, Jesus committed “blasphemy”;
Jn 10:33 ”we are stoning you for “”blasphemy””… because you a mere man claim to be YHVH (Lord).
Matt 26:23 The high priest asked ...are you the messiah, an elohim (the son of YHVH)? Jesus answered, “yes it is as you said”. 25 He has spoken “”blasphemy!”” Why do we need any more witnesses? ... you have heard the “”blasphemy””.
Matt 26:68 “He is worthy of death, they answered”. 64 You have heard the “”blasphemy””. And they all condemned Jesus to death.
.3 Christians altered their First Commandment;
The first “Jewish” Commandment is;
“I Am’ YHVH Elohyim”...
But the first Christian Commandment is; “You shall not have any other gods before me”.
Big difference.
Christianity cunningly deleted YHVH’s name from their Commandments and literature.
.4 Fortunately, the Jewish version of the Ten Commandments predates christianity by a thousand years and was written on Jewish synagogues and on Aron HaKodesh (enclosures that housed the Torah Scrolls).
Christians do not know what “Jewish Monotheism” means, because they replaced YHWH Elohim’s name with the names of greek gods. Then the protestants replaced the name of YHVH Elohim with the name of their gods.
.5 The Test of being Jewish is founded on “Obeying YHVH’s Commandments'' in the Torah.
Jesus Tested;
When Jesus came to The Temple in Jerusalem, the Priests and Elders of Israel asked Jesus; “By whose authority...” Matt 21:23, Mark 11:27, Luke 20:1.
As usual Jesus cleverly evaded the question; “neither will I tell you what authority I am doing these things”.
Because as the serpent in the Garden of Eden, Jesus and his disciples were Challenging God by “eating what is forbidden.”
.6 Gen 3:1 And the serpent said to the woman: “Did God say; You shall not eat of any tree of the garden?”
As the serpent in the Garden of Eden, Jesus also cunningly taught men to challenge God, by misleading men to “eat what is forbidden”. Matt 6:25, 15:11, Mk 7:15- 23… Acts 10:11
.7 Gen 3:4, “And the serpent said unto the woman: 'Ye shall not surely die” Tanakh
As the serpent, Jesus also cunningly taught; “they will not see death (be immortals, gods).” Mtt 16:28, Luke 9:27, Jn 3:16, 1 Jn 5:13...
.8 Gen 3:5 “for God doth know that on the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ‘ye shall be as God”. Tanakh
Jesus ate what was forbidden, then cunningly claimed to be a god;
Jn 10:33 ”we are stoning you for “”blasphemy””… because you a mere man claim to be YHVH (God)”.
John 10:30, John 10:33, John 10:36, John 8:58, John 9:35-39, “John 8:58, John 19:7, John 20:28-29, Matt 2:11, Matt 28:16, Matthew 2:2, Matthew 2:11, Matthew 8:2, Matthew 9:18, Matthew 14:33, Matthew 15:25, Matthew 20:20, Matthew 26:63-64, Matthew 27:43, Matthew 28:9, Matthew 28:17, Luke 22:70, Luke 24:52. Mark 14:61-62, Mark 5:6, Revelation 1:8 KJV,
As the serpent in the garden, Jesus cunningly misquoted the Tanakh out of context, then claimed to be a god.
Jesus = Serpent who challenged YHVH’s laws.
It was just that plain and simple, to the Jewish community.
.9 Jesus taught the “Greatest Kosher Abomination against YHVH” and mankind by “eating human flesh and drinking human blood”;
Jesus said to them; “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life*, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood real drink*. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. Just as the living father sent me and I live because of the father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22, Luke 22:19, and Jn 6:53
This is not a Jewish Pesach (a Jewish Passover of Exodus 12).
This is the greco roman Coronus child sacrifice ceremony.
Coronus sacrificed and ate his children.
Coronus was the father of Zeus (who escaped from his father Cronus), and the grandfather of Dionysus.
Jesus’ “Last Supper”, the pagan ritual of Human Cannibalism, was the ultimate act of defiance against YHVH’s kosher laws and humanity.
.10 Literally or symbolically, Easter Communion is “Extreme Paganism”.
Satan Ritual Paganism, Run for your life screaming paganism. Dark, Dark black magic paganism, Prince of Demons paganism.
Pagans believed if they ate their babies and drank their blood, they would become young and “”live forever””.
Jesus taught; “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has “”eternal life”” (to be immortal, as gods). Matt 26:26, Mark 14:22, Luke 22:19, and Jn 6:53.
* Research; “Jesus in comparative mythologies”.
Easter Communion is a covenant with Satan.
.11 In all other religions, the drinking of human blood and eating human flesh is a pact with the devil, but in christianity it is somehow accepted?
.12 Jesus led chrisitans to practice “the most immoral acts against humanity.”
The nations and all the religions of the world will judge christianity as the most immoral religion in the world.
.13 If there were any illusions that Jesus was Jewish, or any belief that Jesus was a Jewish messiah, they are now gone.
What did the Jews say about Jesus’ pagan teachings?
Mark 3:21, When Jesus’ family heard it, they went out to restrain him, for people were saying, “He has gone out of his mind”.
Luke 4:28 All the people were furious when they heard this, they took him to the brow of the town in order to throw him off the cliff.
John 7:1 Jesus did not want to walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him.
John 6:60, On hearing it, Jesus’ disciples said; “This is a hard teaching, Who can accept it?
John 6:66 From this time [Easter] all of his disciples turned back and followed him no more.
Because, human cannibalism was too much for his disciples to swallow.
.14 Jesus’ Last Supper human cannibalistic teachings violated every sacrificial law in the Tanakh;
Literally or symbolically, the christian’s easter feast of eating human flesh and drinking human blood was strictly forbidden in the Torah;
Lev 17:10 And if any native Israelite or foreigner living you eats or drinks blood in any form, I will turn against that person and cut him off from the community of your people.
Gen 9:4, You must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. Tanakh
Lev. 17:12, You must never eat or drink blood- neither you nor foreigners living among you. Tanakh
Deu 12:23 Be sure you do not eat the blood, because the blood is the life, and you must not eat the life with the meat. Tanakh
Lev 26:29, Deu 28:53-57, Jer 19:9, Lam 2:20, 4:10, Eze 5:10, 2 Kings 6:28-29 etc… Tanakh
Note; The Jewish Tanakh strictly forbids Jews and foreigners from cannibalism, eating human flesh and drinking blood.
.15 Acts of Defiance;
In Acts 10:9 Jesus’ disciple Peter* had a vision and “a voice commanded Peter to; “kill and eat” unclean animals, as well as reptiles of the earth and unclean birds of the air.”
Jesus and his disciples were not Kosher (not clean), not able to enter the
Temple in Jerusalem or to make offerings to YHVH.
The Jews and Romans viewed Jesus as a Samaritan (unclean);
John 8:48 Aren't we right in saying “You [Jesus] are a Samaritan”.
First of all “Nazareth is in Samaria”.
And Jesus spent most of his life in Samaria, teaching Samaritans.
In the Trial of Jesus he was sent back to the Samaritan district.
Knowing Jews would not enter into the Samaritan district, especially prior to the Passover (they would be unclean for seven days and would not be able to participate in the Passover).
So who were those who attended Jesus’ trial? They were Sumerians and Herodians.
Hence, In the Samaritan district; “Here is your “King of the Jews”.
.16 In Judaism. for YHVH to have a son, then sacrifice his son, would have violated sacrificial laws in the Tanakh (OT).
That, human and child sacrifices, has always been forbidden:
Lev. 18:21, “Do not sacrifice any of your children to your king”. Tanakh
Lev. 20;2-3, Deu 12:31, Deu 18:10, 2 Kings 3:26-26, 2 King 16:2-3, 2 King 17:16-17, 2 Kings 21:6, 2 King 23:10, 2 Chro. 28:1-3, 2 Chor 33:6, Psalms 106:37-38, Jer 7:30-31, Jer 19:2-5, Eze 23:37-39. Tanakh
.17 Gen 22; YHVH’s redemption of Isaac had put an end to all human sacrifices.
God sparing Isaac proved; “YHVH does not require human blood sacrifices for redemption, that five silver coins was sufficient”;
Ex 34:20, All the first-born of your sons, thou shalt ””redeem”” (be spared). Tanakh
The redemption is paid “in silver coins”. Ex 13:13 , Num 3:45
No need for Jesus.
.18 No man can die for another man’s sins;
Deu 24:16, The father shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers; every man shall be put to death for his own sins. Tanakh
Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die; the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father with him, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son with him; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself. Tanakh
Psalms 49:7/ 8, No man can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him-- Tanakh
The Torah clearly states; Jesus cannot atone for the sins of others.
.19 The Jewish Passover nor the Passover lamb has anything to do with “the forgiveness of sins”.
Prior to the exodus, there was no time to perform sacrifices for sins.
The blood of the Passover lamb was to protect Jews from the plague of death, and was the preparation of food for the exodus. Then, the blood of the lamb was to be put on the outside doors. The Jews never sacrificed human babies and drank their blood.
.20 The Mikvah and offerings were to cleanse the body and soul (inside and outside) of men.
But Jesus claimed to be a god, yet did not not know the value of a mikvah (cleansing of filth and bacteria);
“Some of the Pharisees and teachers of the Law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked; “Why do your disciples break the traditions of the elders?
They don’t wash their hands before they eat.” Matt 15:1, Mark 7:14
Jesus answered; “What goes into someone's mouth does not make him unclean”. Matthew 15:11-20, and Mark 7:14.
Jesus was cunning misquoting the mikvah (washing).
Washing hands is good hygiene practice, which prevents the contamination of food and the spread of diseases.
Entire civilizations have been wiped out because of poor hygiene.
How can a person claim to be a god and not know about the value of good hygiene?
In the first century, Kosher laws and traditions were why Jews were living to be over a hundred, when gentiles only lived to the age of fifty.
Christians don’t wash their hands after they defecate, and they want to shake your hand and break bread with you.
The correct mikvah answer is to “cleanse both body and soul.”
Jesus was wrong again.
3:2 The second part of the First Jewish Commandment is;
1) “I Am ‘YHVH’ Elohyim” 2) who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, 3) out of the house of bondage”. Exodus 20 Tanakh
YHVH led Israel out of the land of Egypt”.
Inversely, Jesus returned back to Egypt.
.1 The two most notable figures who “challenged YHVH” were the Serpent and the Pharaoh of Egypt.
Serpent -> Pharoah -> now Jesus
The Jews were commanded in the First Commandment and by the
prophets “not to flee to Egypt”. Exodus 20, Jeremiah 42, Isaiah 31:1.
Egypt has been and will always be the eternal enemy of YHVH and Israel.
Yet, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus defied YHVH by returning to Egypt.
3:19 King Jeroboam and Jesus;
When Jeroboam conspired to be King of Israel, he fled to Egypt, and made an alliance with the Pharaoh of Egypt.
King Jeroboam was the first “Pharisee”. 1 Kings 11:26-40
Henceforth, anyone who made an alliance with Egypt were called; “Pharisees, servants of the Pharaoh”. Hence, the enemy of YHVH and Israel.
When Jeroboam returned to Israel, he claimed to be King of Israel’s northern kingdom.
Likewise, Jesus fled to Egypt, and when he returned, he claimed to be King of Israel.
Jesus was another Jeroboam, a servant of the Pharaoh.
.2 King Jeroboam feared northern Israelis' hearts would return to The Temple in Jerusalem, so he built Egyptian altars in Bethel and Dan (now Galilee), and erected the golden Apis (Hapis), Egyptian oxen gods. 1 King 12:25 Tanakh
Likewise, Jesus also proclaimed to be king and restored Bethel and Dan
Jesus' central location in the region of Bethel and Dan (Galilee) was symbolic of Jesus’ alliance with King Jeroboam and Egypt.
.3 The Israeli priests were the “Levites”
But King Jeroboam allowed anyone who wanted to be priests at the forbidden altars in Bethel and Dan (Galilee) 1 King 12:27 (1 King 12:25 in christian bibles).
King Jeroboam’s pseudo priests were called; “Rabbis.”
In Pharisee Judaism, “anyone can be a rabbi,” even converts and menstruating women.
Likewise, Jesus also allowed anyone to be priests in Bethel and Dan (Galilee), including gentiles.
.4 “Rabbi” originated as a derogatory title given to King Jeroboam’s pseudo priests;
The Egyptian god Ra* + abba (father) = Rabbi
Ra + abba = Rabbi
* “Ra” The head of the Egyptian gods.
* Research; “Ra” (Horus)
The priests of Ra were called “Fathers” (Rabbis).
Jn 3:2 Nicodemus came to Jesus at night and called Jesus “Rabbi”.
As king Jeroboam’s pseudo-priests, Jesus was also called “Rabbi”; Matt 23:7, 26:25, 27, Jn 1:38, 1:49, 3:26, 4:31, 6:25, Mk 9:5, 11:21, 10:51, 14:46,
Jesus mimicked one of the most evil kings of Israel King Jeroboam.
Jesus was a Pharisee, a servant of the Pharaoh of Egypt.
3:3 The third part of the First Jewish Commandment is; 1) “I Am ‘YHVH’ Elohyim” 2) who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, 3) out of the house of bondage”. Exodus 20 Tanakh
YHVH supernaturally delivered Israel “out of the house of bondage”.
.1 Comparing Jesus to YHVH;
The test of being a “Supernatural Deity”;
YHVH supernaturally broke the bondage of Israel's oppressors, that Israel and the world would know “YHVH is Lord”. Exodus 6:7, 7:5, 14:4, 14:18, 7:17, 10:2
If Jesus was YHVH, a son of YHVH, or a Jewish Messiah, he would have “Supernaturally broken the bondage of the romans”.
Jesus Failed, he did not supernaturally lead christians “Out of the Bondage” of the romans.
From 70 AD, the chrisian adults were slaughtered, their girls raped, and their children were put into forced labor.
Jesus was not Lord (YHVH).
* Research; “Persecution of christians by the roman empire”.
3:4 Chapter Three Summary;
The Sanhedrin of; Pharisees, Sadducees and Teachers of the Law, were going through the Jewish Ten Commandments, to see if Jesus would “obey the laws of Israel.”
In the end, the Jewish Sanhedrin (leadership) unanimously agreed, “Jesus and his disciples were criminals attempting to overthrow Israel.
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