The Bible Codec
By Kenneth Martin
Chapter 4
Jesus was a Hellenizer
“Intertwining Roman Mythology into Judaism”
4:1 The Jewish Second Commandment is;
1) “I Am YHVH, 2) thou shalt have no other YHVH (Lord), 3) no other Elohim (sons of God) before me.” Exodus 20:2, Deu 5:6 Tanakh
Read the “Hebrew Script.”
STOP! Do not proceed! Until you read Exodus 20:2 and Deu 5:6 in Hebrew.
Because of the outrage from the Christians and Muslims, Jews ambiguously translate Ex 20:2 and Deu 5:6; “Thou shall not have any other god before me.”
But in the secrecy of their synagogue they teach; “Read it in Hebrew”;
Ex 20:2 “I Am YHVH, 2) thou shalt have no other YHVH (Lord), 3) no other Elohim (sons of God) before me.” Exodus 20:2, Deu 5:6 Tanakh
1) “I Am YHVH, 2) thou shalt have no other YHVH (Lord), 3) no other Elohim (sons of God) before me.” Exodus 20:2, Deu 5:6 Tanakh
Isaiah 43:10 I am YHVH; “Before me there was no other god formed, neither shall any be after me”. Tanakh
.2 “I Am YHVH, 2) thou shalt have no other YHVH (Lord), 3) no other Elohim (sons of God) before me.” Exodus 20:2, Deu 5:6 Tanakh
Means; “Jesus cannot be Lord (YHVH),”
and “Jesus cannot be Lord of Lords (YHVH of YHVHs).”
See Chapter 3 of the “Bible Codec”; Read Isaiah 42:8, Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 43:1, Isaiah 44:6, Isaiah 45:6, Isaiah 45:5, Ps 146:3, Hosea 11:9,
The Tanakh (Jewish Bible) forbids any claims as “Jesus is Lord (YHVH),” or “Lord of Lords.”
.3 “I Am YHVH, 2) thou shalt have no other YHVH (Lord), 3) no other Elohim (sons of God) before me.” Exodus 20:2, Deu 5:6 Tanakh
”Means; Jesus cannot be an Elohim (a son God).
Read the “Hebrew Script”.
Matt 26:23 The high priest asked ...are you the messiah, an elohim (the son of God)? Jesus answered, “yes it is as you said”. 25 He has spoken “”blasphemy!”” Why do we need any more witnesses? ... you have heard the “”blasphemy””.
Matt 26:68 “He is worthy of death, they answered”. 64 You have heard the “”blasphemy””. And they all condemned Jesus to death.
.4 In Gen 6:4 the sons of the Elohim (gods and angels) were evil, thus YHVH destroyed them in the flood.
Likewise, if Jesus was an Elohim (a son of a god) he was also evil and was to be condemned to death.
.5 Note; As with the Christian version of their First Commandment, they also remove “YHVH’s” name from their Second Commandment, cunningly evading the reasons why “Jesus cannot be Lord,” nor a “son of God).
4:2 Rather than for Jews to inappropriately say YHVH’s name, they use the acronym “I AM*” without saying YHVH’s name.
* Acronym or Transfigeraton.
But Jesus claimed to be the “I AM”, yet he claimed the attributes of the gods of the Roman Imperial Cult;
“I am,” the truth, the life and the way. (Cronus/ Ptah)
“I am,” bread of Life. (Cronus/ Phanes)
“I am,” resurrection and the life. (Phanes/ Dionysus)
“I am,” the living water. (Poseidon)
“I am,” with you always. (Dionysus)
“I am,” not of this world. (Hades)
“I am,” the vine. (Dionysus)
“I am,” light of the world (Phanes/ Apollo).
“I am,” the Alpha and Omega” (Zeus).
“I am,” the Gate. (Janus, Hades/ Cerberus/ Charon)
Jesus said; “No one enters into heaven except thru me”. (Janus)
Jn 8:58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, ****“I am****.” (Phanes)
At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, then ran away from the temple grounds.
You won’t find any of Jesus’ “I Am” attributes in the Torah (OT).
Because Jesus was claiming the attributes of Zeus, and the gods of the Roman Imperial Cult.
This was classic “Hellenism”, intertwining greco-roman mythology into Judaism.
Jesus was a Hellenist.
* Research; “Alexander Philo”, “Christian Hellenists”, and “Hellenist Jews”.
4:3 Jesus was a Roman;
Romans viewed themselves as demigods, and as the superior race. Hence, refused to acknowledge the inferior Jewish deity or their laws.
The test to find out if someone was Jew or roman, was to have them recite the “Jewish Ten Commandments.”
.1 Jesus tested;
Matt 22:35, The Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested Jesus with the question:
“Teacher, which is the first commandment of the Law”?
But Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind*.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matt 22:37, Mk 12, NIV
Because “The first and greatest Jewish Commandment”, of which YHVH himself wrote in stone is; “I am YHVH Elohyim,” who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage”. Exodus 20
Jesus cunningly evaded the First Jewish Commandment, because he could not deliver Israel out of bondage.
.2 In Matt 22, Jesus said: “And the second is like it; ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” NIV
Because the Jewish Second Commandment is; “I am YHVH, thou shalt have no other YHVH (Lord), no other Elohim (son of God), before me…” Ex 20:2 and Deu 5:6 Tanakh
Jesus cunningly evaded the Jewish Second Commandment, because it forbade him to make the claims of being; “Jesus is Lord” or an elohim (a son of God).
Jesus cannot be Lord (YHVH), nor Lord of Lords.
Jesus cannot be an Elohyim (the son of God).
The Jewish version of the Ten Commandments predates christianity by a thousand years. And are written on Jewish synagogues all over the world, and are written on their Aron HaKodesh (enclosures that housed the Torah Scrolls).
.3 .3 Jesus cunningly misquoted out of context the “Shema Israel'' read (Deu 6:1 thru 6).
The entire “Shema Israel” is;
Deu 6:4 “Hear O Israel; YHVH is our Elohim, YHVH is One.”
Deu 6:5 And thou shalt “Love YHVH thy Elohim with all your heart, and all thy soul, and with all thy might.”
Jesus skipped the first part (Deu 6:4), the most important part; “Hear O Israel; YHVH is our Elohim, YHVH is One.
Because it meant;
Jesus cannot be Lord (YHVH), nor Lord of Lords.
Jesus cunningly misquoted the Tanakh out of context by not quoting the entire “Shema Israel ''.
Who in the Garden of Eden denied YHVH’s commandments?
.4 Catholicism means Universalism, Uniting all gods and religions into the greco roman pantheon “Loving one another”, originated in -1000 BC, at the time when democracy was established.
Jesus’ quote “Love your neighbor as yourself '' was from the greco roman mythologies of Eros, Parmenides, Aristophane Organic Hymn, Longus’ Daphne and Chloe, Platos’ Symposium, Eleusinian etc…
Jesus was a universalist “a Roman Catholic”, lovingly uniting Judaism into the greco roman pantheon.
* Research; “Universalism”
.5 Jesus would not acknowledge the Jewish Ten Commandments!
Proving, Jesus was a roman missionary (spy), a roman collaborator.
4:4 When the Jewish Messiah comes, the nations will bring their offerings to Israel.
Isaiah 60:5 “The wealth of the nations shall come to Israel.”
Jesus tested;
The Jews asked; “Is it right to pay the Imperial Tax?”
Jesus’ response; “Give to Caesar what is Caesar's”... Mtt 22:21
Because, when the Jewish Messiah comes, “The wealth of the nations shall come to Israel.” Isaiah 60:5 Tanakh
That, all the previous “Jewish Messiahs” defeated Israel’s oppressors, tore down all pagan idols and images*, then restored Israel’s God and laws.
* Roman coins had images of roman kings.
Jesus’ response; “Give to Caesar '' meant; Jesus was not a “Jewish
Messiah*”, he was another hellenist roman puppet.
Jesus’ solution to using roman coins was “Philo Hellenistic", intertwining roman catholicism into Judaism.
4:5 Jesus was a Hellenizer;
Zeus was the original; “god of thunder”;
And Dionysus (son of Zeus) was the “Son of thunder”.
Mark 3:17 James son of Zebedee, and his brother John, to whom Jesus gave them the name of “Boanerges” which means “sons of thunder”.
Jesus was mimicking Zeus when he hellenized James and John as “sons of thunder”.
Jesus was a hellenizer, a roman missionary apotheosizing James and John as demigods.
.1 “Peter” was an Edomite name (meaning rock), and Cephus (Cyphus) was a Roman name (meaning rock).
Jn 1:42 Jesus said to Peter; “You are Simon, son of John, you will be called Cephus” (a roman name meaning rock).
Matthew 16:18 on this rock I will build my church.
Jesus was building his church on the hellenization of Peter.
Jesus hellenized all of his disciples.
.2 “Jesus saw Matthew son of Alphaeus* sitting at the tax collector's booth…” Mk 2:14, Matt 9:9
“Alphaeus*” was a Roman name.
Alphaeus, “The Alpha and Omega” the primary attribute of Zeus.
Matthew and James were the “sons of Alphaeus*”. Mk 3:18, Mk 2:14, Matt 9:9
Matthew gave his sons hellenists names; Abercius and Helena*
Matthew was a Hellenist (greco roman).
.3 Hades (the son of Cronus, brother Zeus) and the “Gods of the Underworld” practiced; “Magic, Mystic Revelations, and Calling out to the dead”.
Likewise, Jesus also practiced;
“Magic, Mystic Revelations, and Calling out to the dead”.
Jn 11:43 “Jesus called out in a loud voice, ‘Lazareth come forth”.
A staged magic event, so Jesus could “Call out to the dead”.
Jesus was impersonating Hades.
Hence, christians have to “Believe in magic”.
* Research; Do a comparative study between “greco roman mythology and christianity.”
* Research; Psychopomp, greco roman Charon, Hermes, and Mercury.
.4 Greco Roman “Easter Festival”;
You will not find any examples of “dying and rising in three days in the
Jewish Tanakh, because;
The Easter story “of dying and going into the abyss for three days, and proving the existence of the afterlife” originated from pagan mythologies of; Dionysus, Osiris, Tammuz, Adonis, Attis, Isis.
Hence, Hellenist christians also claimed; Jesus “died, went into the abyss, then in three days rose from the dead, proving the existence of the afterlife”.
Jesus cunningly intertwined roman mythology into Judaism.
* Research; “Dying and rising gods,” Aeneas, Dionysus, Hercules, Hermes, Odysseus, Orpheus, Psyche, Theseus and Sisyphus.
.5 On Easter day, Dionysus (son of Zeus) fed the dead and dying with blood offerings.
Likewise, at his last supper, Jesus also fed the dead and dying with blood offerings.
Jn 6:53, Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day.
Jesus and christians are impersonating Dionysus (son of Zeus).
Dion"ysus” son of Zeus.
Ysus = “Jesus” (son of Zeus).
.6 Matt 25:1, Jesus’ “Parable of the ten virgins” was also a roman Easter custom, to which roman kings would take 10 virgin wives each Easter.
.7 Dionysus was the god of the grape harvest, winemaking, marriages and fertility.
Hence, Jesus also provided wine at a wedding feast. Jn 2:1
.8 In Judaism, God’s name is “YHVH” and is always singular.
But the christian’s gods are the elohim of Genesis 6.
Hence, christians recite their Trinity Doctrine, making reference to the “the elohim” of Genesis 6.
Jesus led christians to believe they are the sons of “the elohim,” of Genesis 6 of which God destroyed the world by the flood.
.9 The Trinity Doctrine;
The roman ideal “Divine Family” was: “Father, Mother, and Son”. That everyone in the Divine Families would have been deities (gods).
But christians eliminated the Divine Mother Deity, and exchanged it with a mortal Mary.
Hence: “Father, Son and Holy Ghost?”
In Genesis and roman mythologies, the gods strayed and interbreed with mortal men and women, producing demigods (half man, half gods).
Jesus was a lesser god, a demigod.
In Genesis and roman mythologies, the demigods were evil and had to be destroyed. Likewise, Jesus was an evil demigod who was destroyed. Gen 6 Tanakh
.10 The Romans created the Trinity Doctrine from the “Olympic Triad of Zeus”.
Zeus = Jesus (head of the “Olympic Triad of Zeus”)
Athena = Mary (goddess of wisdom/ holy spirit)
Apollos = Helios (Joseph) Luke 3:23, father image
Research; “Philo and the Trinity,” “Olympic Triad of Zeus”, and “Triad (religious)”
Note the similarities of the attributes the romans impute onto Jesus, Mary and Joseph, to the similarities of the christian Godhead of; “father, son and holy ghost”,
Christianity is a hybrid religion, blending roman mythology into Judaism.
Judaism is not going to compromise, to acknowledge the apostolicism of men into demigods.
.11 The “Ruach HaKodesh” (Holy Spirit) Genesis 1:2;
There is no deity as a “Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit” in the Jewish Tanakh;
The literal meaning of the Hebrew word “ruach” in Genesis 1:2 is; “air”, “wind”, or “breath”. “Ruach” does not mean “ghost or spirit”.
Then, “Kodesh” only means; “separate” or “clean”.
YHVH uses the “air, wind”, and his “breath” hence it is called kodesh (seperate or clean) because it is from YHVH, but that does not mean the air and wind is YHVH.
Similarly, when YHVH uses men, they are called “kodesh” and “kodeshim”, but that does not mean they are gods. A goat can be kodesh (clean), but that does not mean the goat is YHVH. The Temple and it’s furnishing are kodesh, but they are not YHVH. And the Sabbath is kodesh (holy), but it is not YHVH.
Christians created a god from thin air. Matt 12:31
On the other hand, “wind gods” are from greco roman mythology. Hence, christians altered their Old Testament to imply a “wind god”.
Research; “List of greco roman wind deities.”
4:6 Chapter 4 Summary;
Jesus was a Roman Catholic Priest who taught Universalism, hence cunningly intertwined greco roman mythology into Judaism.
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