The Bible Codec
By Kenneth Martin
Chapter 2
The Roman Colonization of Israel
“Roman Missionaries”
2.1 The “Roman New Testament” was written by Roman Missionaries, with Roman Collaborators.
Israel’s enemy wrote the christian new testament.
2:2 The Great Deception of Christianity is; “The Romans added books they wrote onto the Jewish Tanakh.
* Deu 4:2
Although the events of christianity happened mostly in Israel during the Second Temple era, christianity was not recorded until after the fall of the Temple, after the Jews were eliminated and dispersed.
The only Israelis that were spared, were the sons of the romans.
2:3 The books ascribed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were disciples of Paul.
Book ascribed to Matthew;
Matthew Alphaeus was a Roman.
“Jesus saw Matthew son of Alphaeus* sitting at the tax collector's booth…” Mk 2:14, Matt 9:9
“Alphaeus*” was a Roman name.
Roman or Jew? Lineages always follow the father. Numbers 1:18, 36:7
If Matthew's father was a Roman, then Matthew was a Roman.
* Alphaeus; “The Alpha and Omega'' are the first and last letters of the
“Greco Roman Alphabet '', the primary attribute of Zeus, and the symbol of christianity. Therefore, christian translators preserve “Alpha and Omega'' in the Greek.
Matthew's sons were; Abercius and Helena* (both roman names).
* Helena means Matthew was a Hellenist (greco roman).
The first two chapters of Matthew were not in the original book of Matthew preserved by (pre-Pauline christians) Ebonite Christians and
Nazarene Christians.
2.4 Book ascribed to Mark;
Mark was a roman.
Mark never met Jesus.
Mark was not a disciple of Jesus Mk 3:16 - 18
Mark was not an eyewitness account, everything in Mark was third person hearsay, from the oral myths of christianity. Mark never says; “I saw, I heard, or we heard Jesus” etc…Furthermore, the names of the third person witnesses are never given. Regionally, they were Samaritans, Canaanites, and gentile Galileans, the most deplorable and dishonorable persons.
Mark was written post Second Temple, in rome, for a roman audience, in 70 Ad, 40 years after Jesus’ demise. Hence, the book of Mark was the roman myth and propaganda of christianity.
The theme of Mark is “Hellenism, men are apotheosised as demigods.”
Hence, Mark was a roman missionary.
Chronologically, Mark was the first gospel to be written, the theme of Mark was; “Jesus was a demigod (son of God)”.
The roman authorship of the books of the new testament tells a “Roman Story”. That, christianity was founded in honor of Mark Anthony and other romans, to appeal to romans.
* Research; Markus Antonious (Mark Anthony).
Mark Anthony dedicated his reign to “The preservation of the legacies and mythologies of rome”.
Likewise, the book attributed to Mark “Preserves the legacies and mythologies of rome”.
2:5 Book ascribed to Luke;
Luke was a Roman.
Luke was also a Roman Missionary sent to colonize Israel for the Roman Empire.
Luke never met Jesus.
Luke was not an apostle of Jesus.
Luke was a disciple of Paul, because it presented Jesus as a Demiurge (creator god).
Luke was written post Second Temple, not written until 85 AD, which is 50 years after Jesus’ demise. Hence, the book ascribed to Luke is the myth and propaganda of Jesus.
Luke was not an original eyewitness account. As Matthew and Mark, everything in Luke was third person hearsay, from the “oral myths of Jesus”. Luke never says; “I saw, I heard, or we heard Jesus” etc… And the names of the third parties are never given.
The theme of Luke is “Hellenism, men are apotheosised as demigods.”
Hence, Luke was a Roman Missionary.
2:6 Book ascribed to John Mark;
John Mark was a Roman.
The name John Mark implies his father was roman,
and his mother was a concubine of a roman soldier. But his father was not present at his birth, so his mother named him a Judeo-roman name, so she and her son would be protected by roman law.
The name John is Jewish origin.
And Mark is Roman origin
We see this Judeo-roman naming throught the new testament era.
John and Saul (Paul) were related;
This spelling of John implies his mother was a descendant of King Saul. Moreover, Sauls (Paul) name also implies he was a descendant of King
.1 The “Book of Revelation”
was the hellenization of the book of Daniel.
John of Patmos* intertwined roman mythology (The Sibylline Revelation) into the book of Daniel, then put his name on it.
* A roman catholic priest who adopted John as his christian name.
The “original book of Revelation” was written by “Cumaean Sibyls*” from Campania, Italy (510 BC), and it was called; “Sibylline Oracles*”, and “The Sibylline Revelation”. The original writer of Revelation was a roman medium, who advised the king.
Her “Apocalyptic Doomsday Occult” dominated Christianity.
* Research; Cumaean Sibyls, and Sibylline Oracles.
2:7 Book ascribed to Peter Cephus;
“Peter” (Petra) was an Edomite name meaning rock, Implying Peter's father was Edomite.
Hence, Jesus hellenized Peter with a roman name;
Jn 1:42 Jesus said; “You are Simon, son of John, you will be called Cephus” (a roman name).
“Cephus” is a greco roman word meaning rock.
Jesus was building his church on the hellenization of Peter.
2:8 Book ascribed to James;
James was a Roman.
“James “son of Alphaeus*”. Mk 3:18,
“Alphaeus” is a roman name.
Roman or Jew? Lineages always follow the father.
And if James’ father was roman, then James was a roman.
Matthew and James were the “sons of Alphaeus*”. Mk 3:18, Mk 2:14, Matt 9:9
* Alphaeus, “The Alpha and Omega” the primary attribute of Zeus.
2:9 Books ascribed to Paul;
.1 In Acts 22:28, And Paul said; “But I was actually born a roman”.
If Paul’s father was a roman, then Paul was a roman.
In Judaism and roman laws, citizenship were based on the fathers lineage.
Saul (Paul) had a mamzer mother and a roman father.
Hence, Paul and his disciples responded to the Jewish criticism, by calling Jewish genealogies “foolish and useless”. Titus 3:9, 1 Tim 1:4,
This is a warning sign that they were trying to cover up their tarnished genealogies.
.2. Paul was related to King Herod; “Greet Herodian my kinsman.” Romans 16:11
And was related to Philo of Alexandria, through the Herodians.
Paul was a “Roman Catholic Priest” of the “Roman Imperial Cult”, a missionary (spy) from Tarsus. Paul’s mission was to hellenize Judaism into the Roman Imperial Cult for King Herod.
* Roman Catholicism and Democracy were founded in -1000 BC to unite rome by merging all religions into the Roman Imperial Cult.
.3 Paul was not a Levite, Kohen, nor a scribe of the king.
Paul was not qualified to write Hebrew scripture.
Everything Paul wrote was in rome, to romans.”
.4 Paul never met Jesus. All of Paul’s knowledge of Jesus was third person hearsay, from the “roman myth of Jesus”.
.5 Paul was not an Apostle;
Acts 1:21, “therefore it is necessary to choose one of the men who have been with us the whole time the Lord Jesus was living among us.”
But Paul never met Jesus.
Acts 1:23-26, and the lot fell to Matthias.
Paul was not an apostle. The Twelve Apostles never acknowledged Paul as a fellow apostle, nor his teachings of “Jesus a Demiurge.”
.6 Paul and his disciples were criminals who led riots against Israel, and were imprisoned and executed.
.7 Over half of the books ascribed to Paul, originally had no authors.
In the Pauline Epistles, Paul identifies himself as the author of; Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians. Of which were written to “Romans”.
But, Christian Scholars agree that Paul did not write; Hebrews,
Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus.
* Research “Authorship of the Bible:
So where did the Pauline epistles come from? I’ll tell you;
The “Pauline epistles” were written by roman priests who adopted Paul as their christian name.
These pseudo Pauls wrote Hebrews, Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, to further conform to roman catholicism; the apotheosis of men into demigods, and Jesus the Demiurge, to conform to The Roman Imperial Cult (Roman Catholicism).
2:10 Summary;
There are no documents or fragments from the “authentic Zadokim (priests loyal to King David) or scribes about Jesus “in Hebrew”.
There are no direct writings from Jesus or his disciples, written in the first person.
Jesus was a roman.
Jesus’ disciples were romans.
The authors of the new testament were romans;
Matthew Alphaeus was a roman.
Mark was a roman.
Luke was a roman.
John Mark was a roman.
Peter was a roman.
James was a roman
Paul was a roman.
The new testament was written in rome, by roman missionaries, for romans.
2:11 The Roman Colonization of Israel;
The Roman Propaganda was very clear; “To colonize Israel and rebrand
Judaism under the roman empire”.
Zeus was the greek Sky Deity, who lived on the clouds.
Zeus was symbolic of greek superiority.
The romans were going throughout Palestine, Israel and Egypt, tearing down their temples and cities, then renaming them in honor of roman kings.
It did not take a prophet to predict that Jerusalem was next in line to be romanized. Matt 24:2
2:12 The Romans created Jesus and christianity from the mythologies of Zeus.
2 Maccabees 6, The king sent an Athenian senator to force the Jews to abandon their religion and their customs of their ancestors. He was also to defile their Temple by dedicating it to;
Olympian god Zeus
And the temple on Mount at Gerizim was to be officially named;
Temple of Zeus
“The God of Hospitality”
“Zeus” is symbolic of “roman supremacy”.
Hence, christians place statues and pictures of Zeus in their churches and say; “This is God”.
Search images of statues and pictures of Zeus, and compare them to statues and pictures of Jesus.
.1 The origin of Zeus;
Deiwos* -> Daylight or sky
* Research; “Deity”
.2 Latin; Deiwos -> Dyeus Phter (Sky Father) -> Iu pitar -> Ju piter (I, J and Y are regional dialects).
.3 Greek; Dyeus -> Zeus
.4 Dysus -> Zeus -> Jesus
Zeus = Jesus
Romans have been superimposing Zeus over Jesus’ Hebrew name Yeshua.
No Jew will bow to Zeus.
For the past 2000 years, romans have been deceiving the world to bow to Zeus.
* Research; “Proto Indo European Mythologies”, “Proto Neolithic Indo European Language Families” and “Proto European Lexicon”.
2:13 The Romans created a Jesus in their image;
The Theme of greco roman Mythology is;
“Men are Apotheosized as demigods” (recognized as sons of Zeus).
Likewise, “The Theme of Christianity” is also;
“Men are Apotheosized as demigods”.
In the first century, the roman theology of “Apotheosize” refers to the idea that an individual or individuals have been deified as demigods. A lot of the kings of rome were Apotheosized as demigods.
* Research; “Apotheosize”
In the first century, men who were Apotheosized as demigods were called “Apostles”.
Apotheosize = Apostle (demigods)
2:14 “Apostolic Succession” enables every roman king, pope and bishop, to claim to be apostolic demigods healing the crippled etc…
When you enter into their churches they will be honored as apostolic demigods and “you will bow” and kiss their ring, lest you be put to death.
Jesus apotheosized all of his disciples to be apostolic demigods;
Mark 11:23 to move mountains.
Jn 14:12, “Christians will do even greater [godly] things...”
Henceforth, christians bow to Jesus, Mary and the 12 apostolic demigods in their churches.
How many apostolic demigods do christians really have?
Jesus + Mary + 12 + 180 Kings, + 266 Popes + 5100 Bishops = thousands of gods.
Christianity is a roman conspiracy to get men to “bow to them,” and to their kings, popes and bishops.
.1 In the 1500s, the protestants split off from their roman apostolic demigods roots and redefined “apostle” to mean “messenger”.
Protestants believe they are “The Apostles (messengers)”, “The Prophets”, and “The Voice of God”.
However, In the Tanakh, God never used pagans to lead Israel. Lest we forget the fates of Balak and Balaam.
* Numb 22:2, Joshua 24:9 Tanakh
Christianity = Balak and Balaam
“Protestant christian missionaries claim; “Jesus will set you free”, only to enslave men and force men to “bow to them,” and to their protestant kings.
2:15 The Jewish Tanakh (Old Testament) was written by Moses, the Jewish Levite Priests and the Scribes of the Kings of Israel, “in Hebrew.”
The christians were not Levites, not Kohens, and not scribes of the kings of Israel.
.1 The most important task of the scribes was to keep the “Genealogies of King David.”
“But when the scribes from Jerusalem interviewed Jesus”, they said, “He has Beelzebul*…” Mk 3:22 NASB
Stop, no need to go any further.
Their rebuke of Jesus meant; “Jesus was not a descendant of King David.
Jesus was a “pagan sorcerer”.
Hence, there is nothing written by the authentic Zadokim (priests loyal to King David) or scribes about Jesus in “Hebrew”.
The roman new testament is “not holy”, not scripture.
2:16 “There are no direct writings from Jesus, or from his twelve disciples, written in the first person.”
Mainline Judaism taught their children to read and write.
But Jesus’ disciples were uneducated and illiterate, hence could not read or write. How do we know this;
Acts 4:13, Then they saw the courage of Peter and John, and they realized that the disciples were uneducated and illiterate...
Jesus’ disciples were a bunch of idiots*.
Jews referred to Jesus and his disciples as Shlameals (idiot misfits), always misquoting the Tanakh.
The least qualified to be witnesses to Jews.
2:17 Jews do not believe Jesus existed;
The only evidence of Jesus was written by roman missionaries with roman collaborators who were notorious for fabricating roman propaganda.
Whenever Jews comment on Jesus, it is understood the Jews are responding to the roman myths and propaganda of Jesus.
The christrian bible is Anti-Semitic “Roman Propaganda”.
2:18 How to identify “Roman Propaganda”;
Propaganda can be identified by “the reversal and substitution of roles, places, and events,” in comparison to the Jewish Tanakh.
.1 Reversal of roles;
In Judaism, King Saul was the most evil king of Israel.
Names follow lineages. Numbers 1:18, 36:7-9
Hence, the name “Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul)” links Paul as a descendant of King Saul.
It’s ironic that Saul (Paul) a descendant of King Saul, was the leader of the christian church.
Moreover, John was the son of King Saul.
Ironically, Saul (Paul) and John are the most common names in christianity.
Christians are the descendants and servants of King Saul, the most evil king of Israel.
.2 Reversal of Places;
Jerusalem and Judea (southern Israel) were the most sacred places in the Tanakh, but christianity originated in Samaria, and Dan (Galilee) in northern Israel.
2:19 Superposing Roman Myths over Judaism;
The Jewish Tanakh has very specific names, dates and places for the Jewish feasts.
But the christians feasts continue to be named after their roman gods, and are celebrated on the dates honoring those roman gods.
The romans and protestants have laws that forbids them from celebrating any of the Jewish feasts, on their Biblical dates. And it is forbidden to use the lunar calendar, to observe the lunar Sabbath..
This is a warning sign that something is very wrong with christianity.
The plot of christianity is; “rome will rise again” and restore its pantheon of gods, with its kings as apostolic demigods.
Jesus was not born on Christmas day, the roman day of Saturnalia.
Passover is not on the day of the roman Eucharist, the roman feast of Cronus, when romans sacrifice and eat their children.
What other reversal of roles, and substitution of events are there in christianity?
2:20 There are Three Talmuds (non Levitical misquotations);
1) The Babylonian Talmud which is Assyrian Propaganda misquoting the Torah.
2) The Jerusalem Talmud, which is the Egyptian Pharisee Propaganda misquoting the Torah. Written by Hellel (Helenists)
3) The Roman Talmud*, which is christian propaganda misquoting the Torah.
. 2:21 Chapter Summary;
The roman New Testament was written in rome, by romans, for romans, to superimpose Zeus over Judaism.
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