The Bible Codec
By Kenneth Martin
Chapter 6
Comparing the “Jewish Tanakh”
to the “Christian Old Testament”
6:1 The ninth Jewish Commandment is; Thou shalt not bear false testimony against your neighbor. Exodus 20:13 Tanakh
Jesus misquoted the Tanakh out of context. Paul misquoted the Tanakh out of context. And christian translators misquoted the Tanakh out of context.
There are over 4000 words, phrases and sentences that christians mistranslate out of context to conform to the Roman Imperial Cult.
Learn Hebrew in a Jewish synagogue and do your own translations. And get a Jewish Tanakh with the “Hebrew Script and Vowels.”
Only trust the “Hebrew Script,”
not the translations. Even the Jewish translations of the Tanakh are biased to the different sects of Judaism, from orthodox to ultra liberalism.
6:2 Jesus, Paul and christian translators, cunningly misquoted the Tanakh out of context to intertwine roman mythology into christianity;
Compare all the verses Jesus allegedly quoted from the Old Testaments, to the “Hebrew Script” in the Jewish Tanakh.
Who in the Garden of Eden misquoted YHVH to lead people astray?
6:3 The Great Deception of Christianity is;
The romans changed the name of the “Jewish Tanakh” to “Old Testament” then Altered It inserting Roman Propaganda.
The christian Old Testament is not an extension of Judaism.
The christian Old Testament is an extension of the Roman Imperial Cult.
* Deu 4:2
Fortunately, the Jewish Tanakh scrolls predate christianity by hundreds of years which exposes all of the christian alterations, deletions and additions.
6:4 Compare a “Jewish Tanakh” to the Christian “Old Testament”.
Do a word-for- word comparison.
There are over 4000 words, phrases and sentences that christians mistranslate out of context to conform to the Roman Imperial Cult.
Moreover, the christian bible Concordances are as corrupt as their mistranslations.
* Research; “Biblical Alterations”, “Bible Distortions”, “Bible Misquotes”, “Verses Added to the Bible”, “Verses Deleted from the Bible”, “Bible Errors”, and “Corruption of the New Testament”.
.1 The solution;
Apply the Hebrew Codec by going back to the “Hebrew Script.”
When you do your own research in the Hebrew Script, you will discover;
There are no prophecies of anyone named “Jesus” and no trinity in the
original Hebrew texts.
That, you have been deceived.
Moreover, there are more verses in the Tanakh that exposes Jesus as a false messiah, but Jesus and christians altered or deleted them.
6:5 By the first century, Yeshua (Jesus’) name was Outdated and Out of Context during a roman occupation.
The prophecies christians used to foretell Jesus were obsolete by the first century. There is nothing in the Tanakh that foretold a roman occupation of Israel.
Moreover, the original High Priest “Yeshua” built and dedicated the Second Temple in Jerusalem.
One would think that a descendant of Yeshua the High Priest would attempt to save the Temple that his forefathers built. But Jesus did nothing to save his family's heritage of preserving The Temple.
Instead of restoring the temple, Jesus was a doomsday prophet, prophesying the destruction of the Temple. Moreover, Jesus did nothing to stop the destruction.
There are hundreds of these reversals of roles of the characters, places, and themes from the Tanakh to the christian New Testament.
The bias of christianity is “mamzer anti-semetic.”
6:6 Isaiah chapter 1 occurred ““in the days”” of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
Isaiah 1:1; “The vision of Isaiah, the son of Amos, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem, “”””in the days””” of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. Tanakh
Look up Isaiah 1:1, the Hebrew word is “BeYeMey”.
The Hebrew prefix “Be” means “in”.
Compare the Hebrew prefix “Be” of “Bereshit” in Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning” to the prefix “Be” of Isaiah 1:1 of “BeYeMeY” In the days”
- BeYeMeY (Be-YoM -Y)
The Hebrew prefix “Be” means “in”.
Root word; “Yom” means “day”.
And the suffix “Yod” makes “Yom” plural.
Literally means; “in the days”.
Isaiah 7 already happened in 600 BC.
But Christians cunningly mistranslate “BeYeMeY” as; “when.”
Then christians take all of Isaiah Out of Context, to imply Isaiah was all about Jesus 500 years later.
Big Deception.
The mistranslation of Isaiah 1:1, is one of over 4000 alterations christians made to their Old Testament to imply Jesus was their messiah.
You need to learn Hebrew in a Jewish synagogue, and do your own research.
6:7 Isaiah chapter 7 occurred ”in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
Isaiah 7:1, And “it came to pass* in the days” of King Ahaz...Tanakh
The first Hebrew word in Isaiah 7:1 is; “VeYeHi”, means; “And it came to pass,”
Isaiah chapter 7 “And it came to past” is in the “past tense”.
Everything in Isaiah 7 had already happened.
But Christians cunningly alter Isaiah 7:1 to “when,” then misquote Isaiah out of context.
Another Big Deception.
This is another of over 4000 alterations christians made to their Old Testament.
6:8 The time and place of Isaiah 7, is further established by the verse;
Isaiah 7:8, For the head of Aram is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin, and
“within sixty five years Ephraim shall be broken”. Tanakh
All the verses in Isaiah occurred in the days of King Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
All the names of the kings and cities in the book of Isaiah, were specific to Hezekiah’s time period.
.1 Isaiah’s prophecies of the birth of the child, was to assure Ahaz and Hezekiah, that Israel would not be defeated and their dynasty would continue;
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore, YHVH himself shall give you a sign; the young woman is with child, and she shall bear a son… Tanakh
Isaiah 7:14 was fulfilled in Isaiah 9:5 by the birth.
* this may have been Manasseth, Isaiah’s son, or someone else.
.2 Isaiah 7:14 … and shall call his name Immanuel. Tanakh
But Jesus’ name in Hebrew is Yeshua, not Immanuel.
.3 Titles and names as;
Samu”el” (God has heard),
Ezeki”el” (God will strengthen),
Dani”el” (God is my Judge),
Immanu”el” (God is with us),
were titles and names of the priests and kings of Israel.
Godly prefixes and suffixes, does not mean they are gods, or “YHVH.”
They are titles and names of anointed men.
* Research “in context” names of; God, Priests of Israel and Kings of Israel.
.4 Then, Isaiah 7:15 “when he knows to refuse evil.”
Isaiah 7:16 Before the child knows to refuse evil*. and choose the good,”
This child is not a god, he is a human child with normal early development tendencies.
In Judaism this is at age 13, Bar Mitzvot.
.5 Isaiah 7:16 “the land whose king you fear will be no more”
Isaiah was prophesying, “within thirteen years, Israel’s enemies will perish.”
This was fulfilled when Jerusalem defeated Rezin and Pekah.
Nothing happened in Israel when Jesus turned 13 years old, to fulfill Isaiah 7:16
6:9 Isaiah chapter 9 makes references to when and where all this would take place.
Isaiah 9:8, And all the people shall know, even Ephraim and the inhabitant Samaira that say in pride and in arrogance of heart.
Isaiah 9:11, The Arameans on the East and the Philistines on the west, and they devour Israel… Tanakh
All of which occurred in the days of King Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
.1 As the christians altered Isaiah 1:1, they also altered Micah as prophecies of Jesus.
Micah 1:1, The word of YHVH came to Micah the Morashtite “”in the days”” of Jothan, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah...
Jesus was 600 years too late.
6:10 The greatest lie ever told is Jesus’ fulfillment of Isaiah 9;
Isaiah chapter 9 was fulfilled by the birth of King Hezekiah’s son Manasseh*.
Isaiah’s Blessings given at the Birth of a son of King Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, or Hezekiah, the kings of Judah.
Isaiah 9:5 (6 in christians bibles), 1) For a child is* born (present tense) unto us, a son is* given (present tense) to us; 2) and the government is on his shoulders. Tanakh.
1) * “is”, the Hebrew verb is “yolad” which is in the present tense, this child had just been born.
This was the fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14.
The Septuagent correctly translates the Yolad in the present tense. But christian translators cunningly mistranslated the verb to “shall” or “will be” to be futuristic.
Christian bibles translate the Hebrew verb “yolad” 208 times correctly everywhere else in their bibles, but only in Isaiah 9:5 christians alter “yolad” to the future tense (as “shall or will be”).
The christian’s mistranslation of Isaiah 9:5 is the greatest lie ever told.
2) Isaiah 9:5 was the birth of a son of King Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, or Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
This is a son of one of the kings of Israel.
Isaiah 9:5 ...“and the government is on his shoulder”,
This child is going to be a king of Israel.
Historical fact; Jesus was never a King of Israel.
Moreover, King Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, the kings of Judah, are not in the lineages of Jesus/ Joseph in Matt 1, nor Luke 3.
Isaiah is not a prophecy about Jesus.
.1 Isaiah 9:5 “and his name is called*; “Pele (wondrous) Joez (advisor), El* (ruler/ leader) Gibbor (big), Aabi (father), and called Sar (prince), Shalom (peace)”. Tanakh
* In ancient Hebrew “El,” meant “ruler.” “El Gibbor” means “great ruler.” If Is 9:5 was referring to God, Isaiah would have used “YHVH” or “Elyon” etc…
Isaiah 9:5 was Isaiah’s blessings for a son of King Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, or Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
No mention of anyone having a Levite name of; “Yeshua, Jeshua, Joshua or Jesus, in Isaiah.
“El” In ancient Hebrew “el” just meant “ruler/ leader”. They were men with names with prefixes of “El” as “El”ijah, “El”iazer, “El”iashib.
.2 Isaiah 9:5 /6 calls the messiah a Aabi (Father).
Isaiah 9:6 cannot be Jesus because Jesus never had children, hence he was never a father.
.3 In ancient Hebrew “El” just meant “ruler.”
Many righteous priests and Davidians manifested God’s anointing having prefixes and suffixes “El”;
El = ruler
were the names and titles of the priests and kings of Israel.
Godly prefixes and suffixes, does not mean they are gods, or “YHVH”.
“El”ijah, “El”iazer, “El”iashib, were titles and names of anointed men.
King Hezekiah’s son Manasseh already fulfilled Isaiah 9:6.
.4 “and called name Sar Shalom (Prince of Peace);
In Manasseth’s life time, there was peace in Israel
But in the first century, Jesus did not restore the peace in Israel. The disciples and christian adults were murdered, their girls raped, and their children were put into forced labor.
Jesus Failed, the most basic task of a Jewish Messiah.
By the First Century, the book of Isaiah was out of context, and out dated.
.5 The verse christians do not quote is;
Isaiah 9:6 That the government may be increased, and of peace there be no end upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it through justice and through righteousness from henceforth even for ever.
There was no peace in Jesus’ lifetime. The theme of the first century was
“The destruction of the Second Temple and the slaughter of Israeli leadership, priests, zealots etc…”
Jesus did not fulfill Isaiah 9:6
6:11 King Hezekiah’s son Manasseh already fulfilled Jeremiah 23:5.
Jeremiah 23:5, Behold the days come, says the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous shoot, and ””he will rise as king*”” and prosper, and execute justice and righteousness in the land. Tanakh
Jeremiah 23:5 Was fulfilled by Manasseh*.
* 2 Chronicles 33:15
Historical Fact, Jesus was not a King of Israel.
6:12 Christianity can be destroyed with just two Hebrew words;
.1 Isaiah 7:14 “Almah” which means “young woman (maiden)”.
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign; behold the “”young woman* (Almah)””... shall conceive and bear a son... Tanakh
* Almah (almot) Strong’s Concordance; #5959
Isaiah 7:14 the Hebrew word used is “almah*” (almot), which means “young woman (or maiden)” who may or may not be married. Gen 24:43, Ex 2:8, Prov 30:19, Ps 68:26, Songs 1:3, 6:8
a. Christians translate “almah” as “maiden” in; Gen 24:43, Ex 2:9, Prov 30:19, Ps 68:25, Songs 1:3, 6:8.
But only in Isaiah 7:14, they falsely translate almah as a “virgin”.
b. The only Hebrew word for virgin is; “betula”;
Strong’s concordance #1330;
Gen 24:16, Ex 22:16, 17, Lev 21:3, 14, Deut 22:19, 23, 28, Deut 32:25, Jud 19:24, 21:12, 2 Sam 13:2, 18, 1 King 1:2, 2 Kings 19:21, 2 Chron 36:17, Est 2:2, 3, 17, 19, Job 31:1, Ps 45:14, Ps 78:63, Ps 148:12, and Isa 23:4
If Isaiah meant “virgin” in Isaiah 7:14 he would have used “betula.”
The mistranslation of Isaiah 7:14 is another of over 4000 alterations Christians made to their Old Testament to insert roman propaganda.
6:13 The Jewish Tenth Commandment is; “Thou shall not covet anything that belongs to thy neighbor”.
Jesus coveted the Throne of King David.
6:14 Jewish Davidic Expectations;
The greatest task of a Jewish Messiah is to be “a National Deliverer.”
As Moses delivered Israel from the Egyptians, Joshua delivered Israel from the Canaanites, and King David delivered Israel from the Philistines.
But Jesus failed to deliver Israel from the romans.
Moreover, when The Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, the romans also killed the christians, then proceeded to kill the christians in the roman empire until the year 300 AD.
Jesus failed to deliver christians from the romans.
.1 The three essential beliefs that has “united Israel” over the
“YHVH, Torah and Temple”.
a. YHVH; Honoring YHVH, Israel’s kings and priests.
b. Torah; Restoring “The Law of YHVH (Torah)”.
c. Temple; Restoring and rededicating The Third Temple.
Jesus did none of these.
a. “YHVH”;
Jesus did not restore “YHVH ELoHYiM’s” name.
b. “Torah”;
Jesus did not restore the Torah.
c. Temple”;
Jesus did not build the Third Temple.
A Jewish messiah would have conquered rome, taken his seat on king David’s throne, then restored the true lineage of Zadokim (priests who were loyal to king David). Then torn down all the pagan altars, and built the “Third” Temple in Jerusalem.
Jesus failed the most basic expectations of being a Jewish Messiah.
.2 “Jesus Failed” to Unite Israel;
When King David, Joshua, Moses, and all the previous messiahs were favored by God, the first thing they did was to seek the approval from the Sanhedrin of Pharisees, Sadducees and the Teachers of The Law.
And the Sanhedrin, “unanimously” approved of King David, Joshua, Moses, and all the previous messiahs.
And the High Priest anointed all the previous messiahs.
Hence, Israel was united behind Moses, Joshua, King David, and all of the previous messiahs.
Historically, “All” of Israel’s messiah kings were welcomed in their hometowns, and were all confirmed by the Sanhedrin.
But “Jesus Failed” to get the blessing from his family, hometown, or from the Sanhedrin of Pharisees, Sadducees or the Teachers of The Law.
Historical Fact; Jesus was never anointed King of Israel.
“Jesus’ excuse” for not having his family or elders approval him as their Messiah King;
Luke 4:24, “Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown”.
Because “ALL” of Israel’s previous “Messiah Kings” were welcomed in their hometowns, and they were all “unanimously” confirmed by the Sanhedrin.”
a. Jesus failed the most basic role of a Jewish messiah or even a christian messiah.
In Luke 4;24, Jesus cunningly evaded the issue of the role of previous “Messiah Kings” by confusing them with a “Doomsday Prophet”.
Israel did not need a “Doomsday Prophet”, Israel needed a “Messiah King” to lead Israel to defeat the romans.
Jesus was an imposter.
b. The anointing of a king was decided by the Sanhedrin of Jewish Leaders, not by an individual.
John the Baptist, was not a member of the Sanhedrin.
John the Baptist was not solely qualified to anoint Jesus “King of the Jews.”
Moreover, John Baptist’s father Zechariah was not a Zadokim (a son of Zadok whose allegiance was to King David), Luke 1:5
Research; “List of High Priests of Israel”, search for “Zechariah” and his father “Abijah” Luke 1:5.
And note, Zechariah and Abijah were not descendants of Zadok (whose allegiance was to King David).
Hence, John the Baptist was not qualified to anoint Jesus “King of the Jews.”
c. Jesus was “King of the Dung Maggots (Samaritans)”;
“But when the Pharisees heard this, they said; “It is by the power of Beelzebub he casts out demons. Matt 9:24, 12:24, Mk 3:22, Lk 11:15, Jn 8:48
“Beel-ze-bub” means; “Master of the Dung Maggots” (2 Kings 1:2-3, 6, 16).
Maggots eat shit.
Jn 8:48 The Jews said; “Aren't we right in saying you are a Samaritan (a fifthly maggot)”.
Onced the Jewish leaders established “Jesus was an untouchable” (unclean), they spurned Jesus as a Samaritan (fifthly maggots).
But gentiles ignorant of the Jewish custom of being disgusted by Samaritans, interpreted the incident as “Jesus had silenced the Jewish leaders”. Matt 22:23, 34
Jesus, the alleged “all knowing”, and “all seeing” fails to realize the grand insult, and rambles on about how great he is.
Research; Whenever Jews were disgusted and appalled, christians were “amazed” because of their lack of knowledge of YHVH and Kosher laws.
.3 Keeping Israel united by honoring the Kings and Priests of Israel;
When King Saul sinned, David continued to honor King Saul.
Furthermore, King David continued to honor King Saul even after he died. And Israel was always united and strong.
So what do you do when a King or High Priest of Israel sins? I’ll tell you;
“Let YHVH handle it.” YHVH personally oversees Kings and High Priests.
In the end, YHVH blessed David, and he became King.
a. Adversely, Jesus disrespected Israel’s leaders, dividing Israel, calling them; “Hypocrites” and; “You brood of vipers” etc…Matt 12:34, Matt 23:33
A real messiah would have conquered the Romans, then taken his seat on his throne in Jerusalem. Then, he would have appointed priests of the lineage of Zadok, who was faithful to King David and his descendants.
But Jesus never sat on the throne of King David, nor did he restore the priesthood, nor the Third Temple in Jerusalem.
Jesus failed to be a Jewish Messiah or christian messiah.
6:15 Chapter Summary;
Jesus was symbolic of the two most evil kings of Israel; King Saul and King Jeroboam.
Christians need to learn Hebrew and Jewish customs in a Jewish synagogue. Because, in Christianity there is a complete lack of understanding of the Jewish feasts.